Mike verta star trek

mike verta star trek
A blend of all the "Star Trek" series themes into one montage. Video by Rick Dostie, Music by Mike Verta.
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Composer sees new Star Trek footage - inspired to create new TOS theme Visual effects artist and composer Mike Verta was visiting at ILM last month and happened to see some of the
Dogsounds sniffs out the Star Trek XI theme music. Kinda. From composer Mike Verta, we present you with the theme music to next yearâs Star Trek Movie.
Rate: 4 ratings. Sign in to rate. Views: 609. Share: Favorite: Playlists: Flag: MySpace. Facebook. Digg. more share options. fewer share options. This video will appear on your
Welcome to MIKE VERTA dot com The Official Website. Inside you'll find 06/26/08 - Mike's version of the Star Trek Original Theme! After his recent visit to ILM - where he
Mike Verta - Star Trek XI Theme Sketch Actually, we donât. Mike composes film soundtracks (amongst many other things) and after seeing a few sneaky bits of the new movie whilst
LOVE Mike Vertaâs Star Trek theme! 5. Tallguy - July 16, 2008 I always wondered what John Williamsâ take on Trek would be! :) Awesome job, Mike.
From composer Mike Verta, we present you with the theme music to next yearâs Star Trek Movie. Or do we? Mike Verta - Star Trek XI Theme Sketch
by Trek fan and composer Mike Verta ( is Mike Verta, and you can hear a much higher-quality MP3 on his website: http://www.mikeverta.com. 127. digital garbage » New Star Trek
Mike Verta: STAR WARS. It was the first film I ever saw - I was 5 years old - and I quite green lantern imax vancouver spiderman 4 star trek superman superman
Cesar hildebrandt
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